Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Gift of Your Own Business

People often ask me, "How does your Rodan + Fields business work?"

It's really simple:
• I use the products....I get results!
• I tell people about the products....They get results!
• I help people do the same thing....We ALL make a commission. (Sky is the limit!)
• I don't deal with inventory, I don't deal with money, and I don't have to host any parties. I do events IF I want to.
• I get to work this business when I want and where I want. I am my own boss - which I LOVE. 

If you join me in representing the #1 Skincare Brand BEFORE the end of the year - 
1. You can get your first paycheck mid-January to help pay off all the holiday spending!
2. Tax write-offs for 2018! Your business kit is a TAX WRITE-OFF.
3. FREE Regimen of your choice from me if enrolled before December 31st! 

As we close in on the New Year, almost everyone is making a resolution to “look better and feel better" You’ll have a solution for them. Now is actually the best time of the year to start! And I'll be right here to show you exactly how to get started, part-time, and easily fit this into your busy schedule. Message me today and we can discuss if it is a good fit for you too!

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