Friday, June 14, 2019

Dr. Rodan + Dr. Fields - On the Forbes List Once Again!

Forbes recently came out with their annual "America's Richest Self-Made Women" list. Unfortunately Oprah ( #10) hasn't offered for me to go into business with her - at least not yet. But Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields (#14) have. And that decision has changed not just my life but the lives of so many on my team, so to say that I am thankful for them is an understatement. So here’s to these brilliant Dermatologists who know skin, and put our customers first - they always do good!

Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields had a vision to pull their successful skincare brand out of brick-and-mortar and put it in the hands of people like us so we could grab a piece of the multi-billion-dollar skincare market for ourselves. This job has given me the flexibility to be the kind of mom I want to be for Molly and Kate, and the resources to help them pursue their passions.
Our company is just 11 years old, R+F is the #1 skincare brand in North America, but R+F only has around 7% of the market. (Let that sink in for a moment.) When I think about what's ahead for those who decide to grab a piece of this for themselves, it makes me giddy. If you've ever wondered what it feels like to work for yourself--or even simply to have a diversified stream of income to add to your family budget or your retirement savings--let's talk!

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